
How to wash your eyes water

Determine the need for emergency medical care. Some substances can cause chemical burns and other complications. Check the label substances and ensure that washing eye will appropriate solution. Also, you can always call the poison control center and learn what to do in case of contact with eyes, specific chemicals.
Consult your doctor immediately if you will show the following symptoms: nausea or vomiting, headaches or dizziness, double vision or blurred vision, loss of consciousness, rash or fever.
If flushing of the eyes does not help, then you need to seek medical help. Also contact your partner, who will ensure that you receive the necessary assistance.

The image with the name Wash Eyes With Water Step 22
Determine duration of eyewash. Eye wash duration depends on the type of substances, which needs to be cleaned, and may be very different. Here are some examples: [2]
Five minutes for weakly irritating substances like hand SOAP or shampoo
Twenty minutes or longer for medium to strong irritants, including hot peppers
Twenty minutes to nepronikaûŝih caustic substances like acids (e.g. battery acid) [3]
Not less than sixty minutes for penetrating caustic substances, including household lye-water drain cleaner, bleach and ammonia [4]
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Buy solutions eyewash. Pharmacy solutions for washing eyes are sterile and have balanced neutral pH 7.0. [5] the use of such a solution is always preferable to use water.
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Use sterilised water. If you don't have a pharmacy solution for eye wash, you can use a sterilised water. Tap water can contain harmful elements, which only reinforce the eye irritation.
You can also use bottled water.
Milk soothes burning food such as pepper. But he will also need to wash your eyes with a sterile solution. Always make sure that the milk was not sour, otherwise the eyes get lactic acid bacteria.
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The solution should be the correct temperature. Especially when using bottled water or water in combination with milk, it is very important not to apply the liquid directly from the refrigerator. Whatever your choice, the temperature of the liquid must be 15-36° c. [6]
The image with the name Wash Eyes With Water Step 66
Select a method for flushing eyes. You need a way to safe and accurate input of water or solution in your eyes. From publicly available household items you can use a bowl, Cup or dropper. No matter what you use, wash thoroughly with water and SOAP object let it dry before adding sterile water or solution.
The Bowl will be the best option if necessary, rinse the noxious substance, foreign particles or even just rinse out your tired eyes. It should be large enough to fit your face.
You can use a glass that will fit snugly to the eye (e.g., stack). It is used for cleaning of hazardous substances or tired eyes, but not in the case of small foreign particles.
Try not to use a pipette to wash up or tired eyes.

Method 2 of 6: rinsing the eyes with bowls
The image with the name Wash Eyes With Water Step 71
Find a bowl. Flushing eyes with bowls-the primary way to flushing when ingested, irritating substances or foreign particles. It is also a good way for daily discharge of the tired eyes. The Bowl must be washed thoroughly and of sufficient size to fit into it all over her face.
The image with the name Wash Eyes With Water Step 82
Pour the solution into the bowl for washing. Regardless of whether you use the solution or plain water, liquid temperature should be 15-36° c. [7] do not fill the bowl to the brim, not to pour the liquid during eyewash.
The image with the name Wash Eyes With Water Step 93
Lower face in a bowl. Take a deep breath and immerse the whole face in the bowl that the solution covered eyes. Do not tilt the head too much, that the solution was not hit in the nose.
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Open your eyes and move them. The water should come into contact with the entire surface of the eye. Circular motion eye will help you better dial water which will remove an irritant or alien particles. [8]
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Lift your face over a bowl and pomorgajte. Lift a person out of the solution. Batting several times, you additionally make sure that the solution is sufficiently horrible in my eyes.
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Repeat if necessary. If you have tired and dry eyes, you can just dip your face in a Bowl a couple of times until your eyes will not become easier. If you want to wash your eyes from