
Sexual impotence

Sexual impotence

Impotence "impotence" is the erectile dysfunction, or inability to maintain erection long enough to work for a successful sexual encounter.

The ED is intended by the usually small number of times you can where the person performing intercourse full length of time between intercourse and the last the duration of up to several. Months, has been called impotence name impotence and frigidity is the lack of response to the person either husband or wife of sexual intercourse exciting enough, and the lack of desire to perform the operation or nationality. aversion of College and all of the above is different from infertility, defined as the inability to conceive after. year after the completion of the sexual encounters regularly.

And recipes that may help in getting rid of erectile dysfunction, which is the doping natural does not have side effects and one gram of royal jelly with four grams of black cumin ground with just three grams of powder plant Ginseng original with a spoonful of honey Sidr unsophisticated added to the cup of water and stir the mixture until it melts and then drink on an empty stomach daily.

First the same amounts of water to replace the former with camel milk.

The second two grams Ginseng tablespoon honey Sidr four grams of pollen mixed with boiled ginger after it cools and then drink twice a day three.

- Mixing honey and crushed black cumin and eat a tablespoon of the mixture every day the morning on an empty stomach and to keep it.

- Moazih to eat green watercress leaves Venanha very, very useful and gives a great Niaúj.

- Attendance milled sesame eat is very useful in cases of sexual impotence.

Pumpkins, cucumbers and melons: taken multiple quantities of seeds, peel and knock and dissolved in sugar, three tablespoons are taken every day. Is also used emulsion pumpkin seeds to treat enlarged prostate in the elderly and the resulting disturbances in urination, and works emulsion of the amount of a handful of seeds fresh tend her cat dander and knock the downstream milling bit, then add the hot water boiling by one cup for every 20 grams of seeds, After waiting several minutes, sweetened with sugar and drink hot.

Flaxseed: used boiled linseed in pain resulting from inflammation of the prostate; and that by drinking a cup or two cups of boiled linseed per day in small doses.

_ Attendance milled sesame eat is very useful in cases of sexual impotence.

Depression medication the most successful treatment for rapid ejaculation

Premature ejaculation in the case of scattered all over the world by up to about 40% of men, the most common of all sexually transmitted diseases they have.

Still views on the identified non-uniform and the subject of controversy and debate in medical circles. While believed by some doctors that each ejaculation comes in four or five minutes of beginning intercourse constitutes defamation quickly reject others that and claim that determine premature ejaculation should be measured from the time of entering into the vagina to the time of ejaculation and is usually less than Deghifah in 90% of cases and less than 30 seconds in 80% of them, also showed a recent study conducted on 110 men complain of premature ejaculation in the Netherlands, but some specialists reject this definition and add the specified dimension in practice scrutinized where women role is more important, there is the importance of throwing quick for them, but as far as depriving women of pleasure intercourse and to enjoy the euphoria of reaching the summit in more than 50% of sexual relations.

However, this limitation is not logical because the issue relative and depends also on the speed or slower to respond when the wife, the final determination remains difficult, especially if we take into account that about 27% of women may arrive to the summit of ecstasy or Alaagav in a period not exceeding one minute, and other needs to more than 5 to 15 minutes of eroticism for orgasm, and the success of sexual intercourse and the enjoyment of both spouses may get out in less than 50% of cases are considered sexual relationship Najehhbalnsph them. Faced with this violent controversy on the identification of premature ejaculation was considered the American Society of psychiatric gets tossed that any pleasure or without any decline before, during and immediately after the access without obtaining the patient's wishes or control must be considered defamatory quickly or early. In my personal opinion, and where different period between erection or access and ejaculation in various Anhalm and had the satisfaction of the couple Europeans or Americans do not satisfy the couple's Arabs, for example in this area Flanvsh the couple themselves in determining premature ejaculation and its impact on their relationship to sexual harassment of it and need to be addressed, as expectations of a logical they have.

Women and premature ejaculation:
The bad effect of rapid ejaculation in the psyche of the wife as it fills in front of ways to pleasure after raised, and deprive them of their desire to extinguish the fire ignited after generating the friendly feeling of bitterness and disappointment, especially if it becomes a pattern always. Becomes a process of sexual intercourse for her punishment does not even like Tenbzh by all means and excuses used various arguments to avoid.

Causes of premature ejaculation:
For more than a hundred years trying to specialists and scientists to clarify the reasons for premature ejaculation has been the belief in the early forties that the main cause neurosis related to psychological conflicts underground and the best treatment for him psychoanalysis. In 1943, Dr. Shapiro refute this theory and suggested Bdelha firm belief that the cause of premature ejaculation psychological and physical based on an intellectual confusion and disorder in the mechanism of ejaculation. The some specialists in the urinary tract and genital criticize this theory, claiming that the fundamentals of this case is the high sensitivity of the glans and the short to Jim penis and deformities of the urethra and the best treatment it is the use of a drug on the tip of the penis and cut Allgim and Tdkhir Alaukima sperm into the urethra. But unfortunately this does not work means and continued to search for causes unknown.

And between 1950 and 1990, transformed views to be regarded as premature ejaculation behavior acquired and calculated In 1970, the latest two doctors, two U.S. "Masters" and "Johnson" stir international media when publishing the results of their research for impotence and premature ejaculation and stressed the importance of concern at sexual intercourse, fear of failure and the impact of Internalization sexual .. Was the belief that early sexual experiences play a major role in shaping the future pattern of sexual passion sexual practice is rapid with prostitutes or girls' lead to the acquisition of the implications of Neurological lead to high speed and sensitivity Tdjalan premature ejaculation are common and continuous pattern.

Other reasons suggested the fear of pregnancy, depression, despair, hatred of the wife and the inner desire to punish her and others.

Methods failed
And spread in this period are many ways to control defamation, including "stop practicing eroticism several times before ejaculation, and the compression method intermittent tip of the penis to prevent ejaculation temporarily and follow-up sexual intercourse and renewed pressure on the tip of the penis whenever he feels the man coming of ejaculation. The preliminary results of these remedies are good and followed in all around the world, but unfortunately dropped their success with the passage of time and most of them failed within 3 years and then circulated the new methods of treatment, including psychotherapy and other applied but were unsuccessful.

In the early nineties was turned suddenly and important in understanding the mechanism of premature ejaculation based on global studies carried out on animals and on people with this condition and headed to think the medical to the brain and the chemicals inside it and found that some of these materials, such as serotonin SEROTONIN in some areas of the brain responsible for tossing her a major role in curbing the delay occurs while other material is "Allaoxathusin" OXYTOCIN urging him to pay and the rapid onset. Also shown that changes in the concentration of these chemicals in the brain may have a genetic origin, confirms this theory neurobiological NEUROBIOLOGICAL brilliant success achieved by the use of certain drugs that increase the concentration of "serotonin" in the brain in the treatment of premature ejaculation, and will talk about later.

The best cure for premature ejaculation
Usually when he realizes the man what he has from a failure to sexual intercourse driven grudgingly his wife or prick his conscience, he resorted ignorant to various stratagems mistakenly believed it would help to address the acceleration of ejaculation, including distraction things beyond sex during sexual stimulation and the transfer of his attention and his mind to things again which sometimes bites the his lips and sometimes pinches his body and flops confused and turns of a joint in the process of citizenship to the spectators, therefore, lose aroused or shooting quickly all of these tricks and tools useless and prone to failure does not favor their use at all since they give opposite results and lead to the effort my body and nervous cumbersome to save the process reached out without any interest ..

Has been shown recently that the most successful treatment for the extrusion speed is the use of drugs commonly used to treat depression and increase the concentration of "serotonin" in the brain and these drugs as "Broxtin" PAROXETINE or "Vlwokstin" FLUOXETINE and "Clomipramine" CLOMIPRAMINE and Alsartlanin SERTRALINE and others give excellent results in most cases of defamation rapid increase in the period before ejaculation than a few seconds or less than a minute to several minutes at 4 to 5 minutes and up to ten or fifteen minutes more than it has in some cases. But there are controversial in terms of method to use because some doctors prefer to use daily, others recommend the use upon request before any sexual intercourse and another team recommended the integration of daily use and use on demand. It must here warn that the patient's description and use of these drugs must be under the supervision of a specialist to prevent serious complications and dangerous. I really like this treatment combined with physical therapy, which is based on strengthening exercises valve urethra to hold it and use it daily when sexual intercourse to adjust the process shrink by frequent ejaculation. In some cases, if it turns out that the glans penis with a high sensitivity can be used in anesthetic gel or gelatinous substance is placed on the tip of the penis about an hour before sexual intercourse.

In a recent study from Italy found that the use of the drug "Albrookstin" with the drug "Viagra" together gives the results beyond the use of all of them alone in the treatment of premature ejaculation The side effects of moderate, including weakness of ejaculation, nausea, stomach pain, headache, and a boom in red body and low libido slightly . As for the treatment of premature ejaculation when a man complaining of sexual dysfunction successfully treated with a drug "Viagra" and was given medication Sartlanin was not at the same level of success as compared with good success achieved by this drug in people with fast ejaculation but without any ED.

The recently studies on cremor made of several herbs in South Korea to deal with premature ejaculation and the initial results are encouraging, but we review subsequent studies to confirm its effectiveness and safety in the summary of our article that the medical advances that have occurred in the past few years in relation to the understanding of the mechanism and causes of premature ejaculation opened a wide and shiny to address this situation the widespread and painful effective drug with great success and few complications and encouraged scientists and researchers to conduct research to develop an intensive understanding of the disease, this case and the invention of sophisticated treatments and sound healing, God willing.

Riyadh newspaper quoted - Sunday 30 November 1423 number 12,644 Year 38

Quoting Forum jinn and demons this essay "The new tonics in the world of nationality."

Dates and sex:

Dates are the dates, one of the most fruit to feed the body has proved to be a tonic for the nerves and muscles and the back of the manifestations of aging, and unparalleled nutritional value of some types of meat and fish as it contains a large amount of phosphorus and a high amount of vitamins.

But in order to be fully and dates food nourishing and restorative sexually just add milk to it and if added to it, as well as cinnamon, milk and crust if used on an empty stomach worms dry material.

The dates also liver tonic and laxative for the printing and the ability to increase in sexual intercourse, especially with the love of pine.

Dates of the advantages that it is also important fruits in the formation of sperm in men and nourishing the nerves and the sex cells when both women and men.

Meat, eggs and their impact on sexuality:

The meat and eggs contain the best types of protein and are considered important food for the body and the good of a particular sexual activity.

The person eating the equivalent of one gram per kilogram of weight, or at least one-fourth chicken and fish medium.

Is no reason why eating a similar amount of red meat as an alternative in some days of the balance in the food required for the body.

Watercress and sex:

Watercress from green plants known to date. And the Arabs first knew of watercress, calling their doctors that drinking juice and eating leaves seeds strengthen sex and diuretic and digester of food, laxative, and Watercress contains a high content of vitamin A, iron and fiber plant.

Watercress and according to the opinion of the Arab Doctors irritates the libido is a very driven and strength to practice citizenship.

Lettuce and sex:

Lettuce from leafy vegetables, one of the best food Kmqo the ability of nationality, and is called in some ancient peoples "plant fertility."

Lettuce contains vitamin "c", a fertility vitamin, with little benefit in the treatment of infertility in men and has a great importance in the formation of sperm, which swim in which sperm.

The women are when it prevents dystocia and open early and prevent abortion and strength of birth control.

Islands and sex:

Islands of known plant which is very rich in vitamin A, private islands yellow of it and this vitamin increases the fertility of germ cells present in sperm counts in men, and it also increases the fertility of germ cells in the eggs in females and this vitamin increases the resistance of the body in general .

Parsley and sex:

Parsley plants known and famous spice which contains many important vitamins.

This is in addition to some of the important minerals such as iron, calcium and magnesium, in addition to volatile oils.

Parsley oil is also useful in the treatment of sexual impotence is also useful in the treatment of menstrual disorders in women.

Grapes and Gender:

One of the beloved fruit of many a summer fruit delicious and famous.

Which is a natural sexual stimulant as it purifies the blood of harmful sediment increases the efficiency of the nerves in the transfer of messages and respond to stimuli, in addition to being the person named on the psychological stability and get rid of anxiety and fears that impair the process of citizenship.

Onions and sex:

Eat onion preserves health and prolongs life, has been proven that the effect of onion does not invalidate whatever the onions grilled or boiled or fried, in addition to the image fresh. Onion contains the essential oils and a high percentage of sulfur has been described by doctors as the ancient Arabs Irritating to the ability of nationality, onions and water generates a natural laxative and menstruation. Onion increases libido if the pieces and soak in vinegar has many health benefits on the body as well as Fik excite lust and sex and increases in semen and improves color.

Olive Green and sex:

Olive green, a cool dry well for food and tonic for the stomach and aphrodisiac, but olive oil is used in: maintaining the beauty of the skin and treat skin cracks.

Nigella sativa and sex:

Grind cumin and mix well with olive oil and "chewing gum Aldkr" and taken from her for several days they increase in sexual arousal and active heat after menopause.

Peanut and sex:

A well-known popular foods in abundance, has been known that the beans more than wishes and strengthens the desire and work in the sex.

Peanuts contain a high content of fiber and abundant, proteins and fats so it is a rich source of energy and this energy is required in the performance of the process of citizenship.

Chickpeas and sex:

Chickpea roots of the famous foods eaten these grains have either a green, fresh or boiled or baked or roasted.

Hummus from food-producing menstruation in women and generates milk over them and in the sexual energy and strength of sexual lust.

Cinnamon and sex:

Cinnamon spice known and famous evergreen tree, a cat dander contain aromatic essential oil pilot and alarm.

Scales used in the work of cinnamon syrup cinnamon stimulating blood circulation and sexual power.

According to the cinnamon syrup in cases of menstrual disorder. And enters the cinnamon oil in the manufacture of some cosmetics, liquid and dry.

Berries and sex:

Bilberry is also known from the famous, a popular fruit in reach of everyone.

Berries with great nutritional value and impact to the memory of hormones that can be taken in cases of sexual impotence for men and increased libido.

Salad and sex:

One of the most food, which helps to increase sexual potency without an increase in weight is a salad green, which can play an important role and essential in the sexual life ..

Must be made up this dish of tomatoes and parsley and arugula, so you must be careful to provide the wife salad every day if possible in the lunch and dinner.

Also should not forget the horseradish, which contains vitamins, especially vitamin "e," which proved to be successful in the completion of marital happiness.

Also because of the serious impact of parsley in terms of nationality must be careful not to be overlooked during the preparation of salad.

Because of the serious impact of sexuality in the parsley, the pharmaceutical companies in the Aboth cans sold in pharmacies where Kmqo in terms of nationality.

Thus, the proper sex in a healthy body .. Gender and power can not come from a weak body. E.

• prescribed for the treatment of erectile dysfunction:

Crushed right mix radish with honey, eat a small teaspoon of the mixture twice a day and Mozbh it enough to increase sexual ability for those who suffer from ED. And make the mix in the following way:

1) put honey on low heat until the show Rghouth Vtnzaa him.

2) and then taken right after he beats the radish and then placed in the honey.

3) be put on to boil and simmer again until the hold.

4) Aakhadd man teaspoon of it in the morning and another at bedtime is very very very useful.

Inflammation of the prostate:

Three tablespoons of linseed, boiled in a liter of water for three minutes, then drink it as much as two glasses a day in small doses, it is beneficial to the infected prostate inflammation.


Means would like to know some plants that increase sperm count .. There are some good plants, the most important love-Aziz, also known as the "love Alzlam" or "ground almonds" and the user of the plant which Drnath underground tubers of these works as much as a fist, where every day is used in the form of syrup like drink Liquorice .. There is also a green ring .. Which is found in large supermarkets, where as they are eaten by three tablespoons once a day .. And also a mixture of love pine + sesame + honey pure, by tablespoon pine + tablespoons sesame (seeds) and then mash mixed with pure white honey and eaten once a day.

To strengthen the sperm used honey mixed with the original Random flour sieving and said you can buy this flour from shops oud, incense or buy Random Male palms from the vegetable market in the cities where there are palm trees .. Proven useful, God willing.

The treatment of sperm herbal Alehiwant

As long as we are talking about the role of herbs and plants to stimulate sexual activity must be noted that natural materials such as plant Valerian and Shields and kava, oats, fresh, and unlike pharmaceutical real estate, can be liberated man from stress and depression without hindering its nationality. But some believe that kava, oats stimulate human sexual slightly as they can add to Valerian resistant depression that may be a cause of impotence when the man in question.

For your information it was scientists «Institute of San Francisco for advanced studies human sexuality» need just a few months for the treatment of men Aninin materials oats and fresh products nettle and seaweed to stimulate their sexual desire and sexual performance.

Valerian is addressed, oats and kava extracts in chromosomal Tincture while marine algae can be added to the daily diet.

He used the ancient Chinese medical herbs, ginseng, Jane Singh «means Jin Seng China: The Roots of Human» For thousands of years not to improve the fertility of men, but also to enhance its capabilities and prolonging the period of his life and sexual Bamufhoumen. Increasingly, Chinese to this day describe these herbs for all men who exceeded the age of forty.

If audited well in these herbs, we will find it works, above all, to improve the level of testosterone in the human body. If no dust on the saying: Lift the proportion of testosterone in your blood in order to raise Vaalitk nationality. This is the best treatment for cases of sexual dysfunction by herbal treatment is based on the plants that lead to the increase of this hormone is important. Chinese is used in the treatment of cases of sexual disorder other herbs called for in North America, the name of «Fu T» Herbs are a vegetarian for a drug to prolong sex. The ancient Chinese believed supernatural forces of nationality of the plant since ancient times and they say that the root of the plant Fu T-50-year-old is able to grant Shayeb Swadh the original hair and the root of the plant from 150-year-old is able to instill a new tooth in the jaws of the elderly.

Finally, we should not forget, we are talking about impotence in men, that the public health have a direct impact on man's sexual ability. Valqaibd sound is very important very momentous vitality superior in maintaining the balance hormonal in the body of the man, and that any serious illness may fall ill, such as cirrhosis of the liver caused by alcoholism, can lead to impotence and get many of the male impotence a result of serious damage suffered by the their livers.

The indicators of the phenomenon on low testosterone in men due to excessive alcohol are: the growth of breasts, shrinking his need to shave his chin and lower sexual activity. According to here, such as grasses and thistle Thistle Hezandra Shizandra in the reconstruction of hepatic cells.

In another article:

Herbs .. To activate male hormones

Lettuce works to stimulate the secretion of male hormones (testosterone TESTOSTERONE and androgens ANDROGEN), as well as onions, black pepper, thyme, the love of dear, watercress, carrots, almonds, hazelnuts, nutmeg, saffron, Kababh Chinese chrysanthemum, ginseng, cinnamon, ginger, mint, celery, and these are being addressed through the mouth.

On the other hand, you can use rose oil, oil, jasmine oil, sandalwood Lye on the pubic area as these oils work to stimulate male hormones in order to contain Algelokosadat (glycosides) in Article succulent them as they are active cells of the testis and the rind overall secretion of male hormones.

Has been scientifically proven that the revitalization of these hormones requires the strengthening of the central nervous system - to stimulate the pituitary gland - and testis, and this is what will help in its creation the materials mentioned above as well as interest in healthy eating balanced containing protein - which enters in the synthesis of the semen and sperm - and carbohydrates and fats and vitamins so, any defect in these materials may lead to an imbalance in the sex hormones.

With best wishes of good health and wellness

Plants and foods that maintain an erection

Of plants that help erectile dysfunction:

(1) Chinese Kababh Piper cybeba "kind of black pepper has a scar"

And has active material containing volatile oils work to stimulate the central nervous system in the body.

(2) Ginger Green Ginger

And works by the volatile oils to stimulate blood circulation, but it is sometimes raise blood pressure.

(3) plant celery Abium Graveolens

Whether taken in the form of green vegetation, or in the form of seeds, which activates the central nervous system

Add to drink cinnamon, cloves, as well as containing some sulfates that increase erection time

It is recommended dishes such as lobster generally marine shrimp

As for the food inhibitory

Plant purslane portullica and in order to contain fluid materials called ploysaccharides affect the hormones the body effect temporarily once the abuse and spoke calm nerves and removed its influence body once you stop eating and do not recommend using camphor as the most recent research has demonstrated that it hurt some Khalaiaalmkh because its substance phenol that are harmful to the brain.

The drinks and Indian Dates Altello working to cool the nerves.

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Sexual supplements
There are many natural medicines are also called "alternatives to address the sexual impotence and erectile dysfunction right", which includes herbs, grass, and lakes or seafood, fruits and vegetables, meat and nuts, insects, and spices, vitamins, minerals and honey.

All the vitamins important for human health in general, and vitamins (b B), as well as vitamin (A, A) and vitamin (X, C) and are all good, but the vitamin (E, E) helps to produce male hormones and cell renewal.

In general, the primary role of being the instigator of spices is a good spot for the circulatory system and this helps in cases of weakness of the secondary and spices, the most effective are: pepper, ginger, and nutmeg.

Minerals are part of the food, all of which are good for public health. But zinc is very important for men's health, and if disturbed zinc in the diet of the child, so affect the level of ability and level of fertilization has at the age of maturity. The lack of zinc in men reduces mature has a motive, manganese metal is also important for fertilization, as well as essential amino acids Essential Fatty Acid is important for maintaining good health in general

Meat food items rich in protein (albumin) and essential amino acids that are important to maintaining good health in general

In honey composition of special food, including vitamin group B, easily absorbed. Which its composition for increasing the capacity of man's sexual, and raise the level of fertilization with him. And called the "honeymoon" with this name because the grooms in Europe were centuries ago, many drink honey throughout the month preceding the Marriage for fertilization. It is an important sexual tonic contains vitamins and doping substances and sexually-called fertility vitamin.

Comes to "locusts" as the first insect with a good reputation in giving the estimated sexual energy and vitality due to the richness in protein and horns of some animals that grind and eat, as in Africa, or kneaded and baked, as in Japan, has a good effect on the activation energy The most famous insect gained the reputation of the task in this area, it is "Spanish Fly" Although it led to the death of many

Effect of vegetables does not have a direct bearing on sexual ability, but gives vegetables their effectiveness in the long run so as to make the best of health but there are some types of vegetables are more effective and more direct to do it, such as olive, as a specific chemical called
Bromocriptine an impact on the fertility center in the human brain

Nuts are rich in iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and vitamin E in addition to rich amino acids and these materials are good and lead to increased production of hormones in men and women. Among the most famous nuts are: almonds, walnuts, cashews, and Alanczyk

Marine food
Seafood is, of all kinds, with the impact of an actor on the sexual energy in men in particular. This is due to the amount of albumin and Alomeona acid, which plays an important role in increasing the degree of fertility (fertilization), in addition to the amount of minerals and vitamins that contain lakes. The "caviar", the white sturgeon, in the first rank at the top of the list of marine materials tonic and stimulant for sex and then in the second degree, after the "oyster"-rich albumin (protein) of high ... And Agyan "Casanova" dealt with about 50 Mhara a day to take the energy that help him on adventures emotional famous by The "shrimp" to occupy the third place, in being the instigator and irritant good and effective but that the problem of shrimp is to increase the cholesterol in it, of course, all seafood were not good and that the importance and effectiveness of caviar, oysters and shrimp. It remains to say that the mix of small pickled fish, which is known to the Egyptians as "Alvesik" When the Iranians to "Almhiadh" is a good meal for a man due to the density of the albumin.


Contain fruit on a large proportion of the vitamins, the most important and best known: Vitamin A and Vitamin C and the element of "boron" capable of giving the body's health and freshness, but famous fruit came to be linked with stories and legends can not be mentioned and more fruit or fruit scientifically credible impact on energy is the "dates" In study carried out by the great Saudi researcher "Alorthan" on another group of his colleagues found that the dates containing amino acids and sugars and a variety of vitamins and minerals, all of which are important materials to maintain the natural balance when mature. Although each of dates containing the element of "boron" significantly, a component of studies have confirmed its effectiveness in the treatment of many diseases, but the element of "boron" affects hormone male and female together, though its effect on the male hormone more that eating dates reduces the incidence of ED , and makes a stronger emotional motivation, especially dates Albrahi

Most grasses and herbaceous plants to help strengthen and stimulate the ability of nationality is the gaping U.S. forklift is a small tree growing in Canada, mainly used in anesthesia physical pain, dental pain, especially, but also used to treat some cases of impotence
Chinese plant known as great fame as the primary plant that induces energy sensuality, has lied to some scientists, but it is clear that he has a good effect on the overall health
Alchorana tree found in the Amazon rainforest, and the fruit of the tree to return to the energy source of its vitality by the experience of the region's population
Plant can be grown in any garden or inside the house and is similar to "sage." Use its leaves and seeds and fat, and use the direct treatment of the problems of sexual potency in men which is widespread among Americans, and when most of the world's population
Home to this big tree that grows in cola nuts, which are used many uses, is West Africa, The seeds of this tree is an effective stimulant to the nerves in general, and thus lead to the benefits of their impact on the problem of impotence and sexual dysfunction

Ozeron gardens
Wild plant found in abundance in Iran, which is used by the blooming rose bud or leaf offline after blooming. This plant contains a hormone that is highly used for the treatment of erectile problems
Recipes tonic

Carrot juice with eggs municipal drinking a cup of it every day it is reinforced and tonic
Love the bride drink tea
Alsornkhan a paste with honey taken Kalmrby teaspoon after breakfast
Alsornkhan yeast-Attar as a cup - crushed - with 2 tbsp of ginger and a tablespoon of black pepper and 2 tablespoons of Galangal and mix are all packed and taken as much as a teaspoon soak in the milk from evening to morning, and then shown a spoon honey and add the three eggs and my drink, it of tonics.

Random palm with honey bees

Single Food: parsley, onions, watercress, carrots, celery, lettuce, artichokes, taro, rue, bitter pill, cumin, sandalwood, saffron, cardamom, dear love, Ginger.

Two tablespoons of cloves drink it on an empty stomach Medkouka and in addition to milk.

Galangal powder is added to milk or milk and drink on an empty stomach.

Ginger and black pepper, cloves, Arabic gum and radish seed grinding them equal parts honey and flooded with white and placed on the fire until cooked, taken from a teaspoon.

Paper with boiled linseed sesame drink.

Taken a combination of black bean and olive oil and frankincense mentioned.

Soak the chickpeas until softened and eaten it, and drink the water from soaking with honey.

Anise: Anise fruits contain essential oils as well as protein and carbohydrates, also confirms the ancient Arab physicians irritates sex and sexual energy which drives the galactogenous tonic for nursing mothers and divorced at birth.

- Linseed + White Pepper: Linseed and white pepper taken full hold of linseed powder and the like of white pepper powder and Amzjan then add two tablespoons of honey, fresh white and mixing well and then eaten directly after a meal, it irritates the Beh.

- Ban Male + Nigella sativa: Mix half a teaspoon of cumin with significant outstanding Ban said of the kind of clean-free of stone and large type and light color and then mixed the two with each other and Ashakan well, then add to them after taking him out of the mill a tablespoon of olive oil and a tablespoon honey and white to be taken after breakfast hampered the direct and this dose provokes desire in men.