
Fatigue and lethargy

Fatigue and lethargy

Stress is a state of fatigue or physical fatigue occur a reaction to real or anticipated problems in life. Often people suffer stress as a result of major events in their lives, the deaths of a parent or a single Brotherhood, or one of the children or dear intimate, or divorce or loss of function or loss of opportunity for its future was building upon a lot of things or injustice signed from one of the relatives or colleagues, and otherwise , may occur also stress reaction to the daily problems such as driving a car in the crowd or severe exposure to the inconvenience of a person or as a result of the disposal of a man who lacks the experience or the passage of favoritism in making a particular decision and so on. In addition, people may suffer stress while facing a threat to their lives, for example, stress has become a man feel that he could not get out of trouble.

Signs of stress increase the heart rate and high blood pressure, tension and nerves, and mental lethargy and frequent mistakes in matters of work due to stop the ability to focus, and may lead to stress even lack of sleep and anxiety overload. Among the reactions to stress, social isolation, and powerlessness on the reform of the case.
What are the causes of stress and their motive?
- Stress arising from external pressures had on the human body are certain things that are not within the limits of his ability, there are five types of great stress are:
1 - dynamic variables (biological), 2 - environmental conditions, 3 - living conditions, 4 - actions, 5 - sensory activities. Affect the variables critical to the case of the human person, and include illness, fatigue, physical and environmental conditions is the pressure coming from the vicinity of rights, such as noise and overcrowding, poverty and natural disasters, including the living conditions of events burdensome, Kovah a close friend or to live among strangers, and behaviors that may lead to stress the habit of smoking, poor nutrition, including sensory and intellectual activities that may occur to undergo stress testing or focus on the progress already big in the game of competition.
Does not affect the stress on everyone in the same way, in a certain position may still be people quiet when they look at someone else's signs of stress clearly, and may be the difference between the two that I feel that he controls the situation, and see it as a challenge to be overcome, while the second does not feel that controls the position and he was facing a threat to him, but he does not want to escape from the face.

What is the effect of stress on the human body?
- A warning Ithiralajhad reaction in the human body. In the course of the reaction increases secretion of certain chemicals called "hormones" in the bloodstream increased significantly.
First, receive a small area at the bottom of the brain called the "hypothalamus" is what is known as the below the thalamus, signals from other parts of the brain. And increase signals the secretion of adrenal cortex (adrenal) hormone release wave adrenal cortex Faather this hormone on the pituitary gland, and it secretes the hormone directed to adrenal cortex, in the bloodstream, and then moves the hormone to the adrenal cortex, and produce adrenal hormones, called glucocorticoids, It provides instant energy hormones and stops the body's immune system activity. At the same time, the adrenal glands secrete hormones other, most important of these is the hormone adrenaline, which increases heart rate and blood pressure.

If long-stress resistance phase begins in the body resistance is up to the physical peak during this period. However, the resistance to pressure the other tends to fall below normal level, and this explains why people become who suffer from pressure at work, more susceptible to colds and flu, and if continued exposure to stress, the body loses its ability to adapt to life, enters the stage of exhaustion, and during this period low resistance to pressure to a large extent.

(Related diseases)
What are the diseases related to stress?
- Believe the doctors and researchers that many types of different diseases may result from stress or prolonged recurrence occurs, and often explain diseases of the stomach and intestines such as ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, and inflammation of the membrane of colon stress, and sometimes occur disorders heartbeat, but that heart attacks are caused by situations severe stress, as stress also hampers the body's ability to resist diseases, diseases such as cold (flu) and glandular fever and herpes (herpes), which appears on the lip of the blisters after the disease, some cancers were proven to be affected by stress.

What are the methods of resistance to stress?
- Require the person to the extent of the effort to improve his performance, but the stress of lead to many negative effects, so people are looking for by resisting stress in their lives, where the exercise of some people's style of relaxation, such as meditation, can also relieve stress in thinking about the things that send stress in a different way, for example: people can relieve stress is to accept the events as if they were other than what they desire and regular exercise and good food assuage a lot of stress.

What is the herbal medicine used against stress?
- There are a number of valleys, grasslands and animal products have a significant impact in reducing or eliminating stress and Mrs. Mubarak the following:

- Onion ONION
We talked about the onions a lot in numbers the past, but we repeat the talk about it because of its properties distinct in the healing of many diseases, it purifies the blood and regulates its and generates the urine and eliminates insomnia, stress, anti-thrombosis and anti-good for a large number of types of bacteria, and is useful for the treatment of many diseases, pneumonia, scarlet fever and eating medium onion with breakfast and another with lunch or dinner benefit the body in many immune and lend strength to both relieve the stress dramatically.

- Apple APPLE
The apple of the best fruits from a health point of it is diet and treatment is struggling constipation and diarrhea in children and reduces the acid urea and relieve menstrual pain and activates the liver and expels phlegm and activates the heart and ease the pain of the nerves and keeps the blood vessels and removes the feeling of stress and fatigue as it is very useful for the pain of rheumatism and gout and eating one apple a day full Bakchorha not have an impact equivalent thing in the ease stress and get rid of it.

- The ring with honey Fenugreek + hory
Who among us does not know the track, honey, there is a saying "If people knew, including Alfrickp - the ring - the benefits of the purchased worth its weight in gold" is a cure for many diseases addition to the reduction of sugar in the blood and Aderarha of milk and its resistance to many diseases, they relieve stress is unrivaled, If we look at honey associated with the circuit, we will find complete, honey known value of food and pharmaceuticals, for us and receipt in the Koran, and the way be taken about half a kilo of the ring municipal and cleaned well and then crushed and placed in a box would rather be brown in color (amber) and is taken which is filled with a medium spoon added to eat a spoon full of pure honey and mix well and licking after every meal.

- Chrysanthemum CHRYSANTHEMUM
And Chrysanthemum herbal plant height of up to about meter and a half, a bit like chamomile plant, but it differs in chemical content, as well as the effect.

Original home of the chrysanthemum is China and is grown now in most parts of the world, the user part of it heads flowering after you open the entire known as Chrysanthemum morifolium contains Chrysanthemum alkaloids is the most important Asattakidron and volatile oil and lactones terpenic unilateral mid-term and flavonoids, vitamin B, and Chrysanthemum veined good disinfectant and dilute the blood pressure and cooler and reduces fever, has shown several clinical trials that Japanese and Chinese chrysanthemum garden is very effective in blood pressure and relieve accompanying symptoms such as headaches, insomnia and always, as experience has shown that chrysanthemum gardens benefit in the treatment of angina, and his influential anti-revival minute.

It has been used chrysanthemum gardens in China for thousands of years as a treatment and a refreshing drink, and is one of the herbal medicine good for the treatment of stress and the way be taken to fill a spoon to eat the flowers in a cup and then pour the boiling water and the volatility well then shown tablespoon sugar, preferably by the honey and can be dropped for desalination in the case of Diabetes and drink this mixture once in the morning and another in the evening and continue to be the person for a period of four weeks.

- Parsley Parsley
Parsley herb height of up to 30 cm, original home of this plant to Europe and the eastern Mediterranean, now cultivated in most countries of the world, used parts of the leaves, roots and seeds. Known scientifically as Petroselinum crispum Parsley contains volatile oil is composed of a compound and Almirestesn apiol and flavonoids and Vttalidat and Kumarinat and vitamins A, C, E and large quantities of metals such as iron.
The papers complement Fatamenia and metal naturally to humans and the seeds of the effect of diuretic is much stronger than the effect of stock and can be used to treat patients with gout and arthritis, and where that parsley contains flavonoids is considered one of the best materials of anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidation, and the oil is located where one of the good material for the expulsion of gases and the removal of colic, especially intestinal colic and flatulence, a stimulant of the uterus as well. And as the green parsley is one of the best anti-stress material is taken as a bundle of parsley, cleaned and eaten with a good power lunch and dinner and one package is enough for the whole day, and the seed should not be used by pregnant women.

- Coriander Coriander
Coriander plant height of up to around 50 cm original home of her southern Europe and western Asia and now cultivated all over the world and known scientifically as the user coriandrum sativum leaves, seeds and essential oil separated from the seed.
Chemical content of the seeds contain a volatile oil which consists of the delta and alpha Allinalol Albaanin and Alterbnin and Flavo Nadat and Kumarniat and striking to Adat and phenolic acids.

Used coriander on a large scale as used in Asia and North Africa and Europe for over 2000 years and are mentioned in the Papyrus Eiberz dating back to 1300 BC, used coriander as a spice and popular anti-swelling abdomen, flatulence and colic is allay a lot of cramping in the intestines and antagonism effect of mental stress, as that chewing coriander improve bad breath, especially after eating garlic, and the way is to take about half a kilo of the fruits of coriander and crushed well and then placed in the bottle preferably be colored and then kept in a cool place and take them to fill a medium spoon and placed with dinner every day and eaten, and can continue to use continue as it does not hurt, but must comply with the given dose.

- Chamomile CHAMOMILE
Muammar herbal plant is aromatic height of up to about 50 cm, the original home of the Western Europe and the plant is grown today in all parts of the world, there are two types of it the first known scientifically as Anthemis nobilis is known Balbapunj Roman and the other on behalf of Matrecaria chamomella known Balbapunj German.
Used parts of the plant flowers and essential oil.
Flowers contain a volatile oil that contains Altflak acid and esters of this acid, also contains acid and Angelica Alkmasulan lactones and terpenes unilateral mid-term and Filavoundat Alcolmarnjat and phenolic acids.
Used chamomile as a treatment for the digestive system which is an anti-nausea, vomiting, indigestion, loss of appetite, it is also antispasmodic and used chamomile on the whole boiled by taking a tablespoon of flowers dry and added to fill the cup of boiling water and leave covered for 5 minutes and then drink without sweeten once after breakfast and again at bedtime and should not increase the dose, and you should not use chamomile oil, aromatic, but under the supervision of a specialist.

- Sage SAGE
We've talked in previous issues of sage, but because of their importance in the treatment of stress, we will have to re-talk about it from weeds important in terms of medical and English proverb says it "did not die, one in his garden grows sage" and discarded today Excellent treatment of throat infections and disturbance of menstruation and anti-stress and insomnia , and contains a volatile oil and the most important compound which is Iijrn time and materials and flavonoids and phenolic acids, tannins and acid .. sage works as an astringent and antiseptic and aromatic and expelling flatus and generating estrogen and reduce sweating and tonic. And method of use is to take to fill a large spoon from the leaves of sage is crushed and placed in a glass jar and add a boiling water until the fullness and then swings well and cover the cup for 5 to 10 minutes and then drink only water and leaves the spit at the bottom of the cup and be used once after breakfast and again at bedtime. And should not exceed the period of use for four weeks. With the observation is not used by pregnant women, where the fetus may fall in the first months of pregnancy.

Passion red Passi Flora
Passion red is a plant like grapes Arici height of up to 9 meters. A tri-lobed leaves and flowers of a beautiful decorated. The original home of the plant south of the United States and Central and South America today are grown widely in Europe and especially in Italy.
Known scientifically as Passi Flora and the user of the plant all parts of the plant except the roots.
Plant contains flavonoids is the most important and complex Alabijsnin Malthol and Gelokozydat Cianogenih and indole alkaloids of the group, the most important Harman.
Plant used sedative and bring a good sleep, stress, tension and insomnia which reduces the excess stress is also used for certain cases of asthma and high blood pressure and alleviate the effects the most important emotions and turmoil. Taken in the form of boiled where Yuhz fill a medium spoon and placed in a cup and add boiling water and then have to leave 5 minutes and drain and drink once in the morning and at bedtime. Riyadh newspaper quoted Monday 11 Rabi Awal 1424H number 12743 year 38

Neurasthenia case of physical and mental fatigue chronic is not known to him why, and the person who is suffering from this disease as tired mentally and physically when his performance of any work of life, and this disease is a neurological condition is accompanied by any change in the organic body. The patient usually feels as if the headache was carrying a heavy load on his head can not get rid of this feeling. And there is a decline in fatigue and nervous with all kinds Some patients complain of fatigue after a simple effort, and some feel that he can not engage in any work, and some with exaggerated perceives the pain seems to him that he could not raise himself on his elbows. The food hits the patient for a full strike. Patients with neuromuscular weakness from lack of sleep, insomnia, heart palpitations, indigestion and other symptoms that do not actually have any organic cause. But rather be caused by the nervous energy to the lower rates to less than the rate of patient tolerance.
Should be treating the patient weak nerves physically and mentally. When it reads the patient notes pain in the eyes with the appearance of spots in front of the eyes.
The following shall be observed in a patient with weak nerves, namely:
- Prevent anything raises the patient emotionally and psychologically Reducing emotional visitors is very important, as the patient's sense of this category and what opinions or pity or pain is a reason his condition worse and increases the distance between him and healing.
- Psychological comfort to the patient for a few weeks until the patient is free of any concern.
- Exercise, which are commensurate with the quality and quantity of a balanced diet, which dealt with the patient.
- If the patient can not engage in aerobic exercise was content with regular massage of the body.
- The patient must change his environment as much as possible and eliminate trips to stroll far from his place of residence whenever the conditions for himself and his relatives.

Is there a herbal remedy for the sick poor nerves?
- Yes, there are herbal remedy for a patient twice a nerve

The roots of Angelica ANGELICA
Already talking about Angelica in numbers the past and the user of hashish roots where take 250 grams of powder and boil in 5 liters of mineral water free from carbonates and for a period of one hour and then filtered and added to the water bath warm then Athmm the patient per day and must massage the good with the bathroom and then work favorite sport of the patient after the bathroom.
This recipe is used to strengthen the nerves and relieve fatigue and Alinverzh.

- Hasa dairy ROSMARY
Already talking about Hasa milk or so-called crown of the mountain in several posts from previous terms is taken to fill a teaspoon of milk powder plant Hasa and is added to boiling water until the cup is then filled with the volatility of a good cup and drink it immediately after breakfast and another at bedtime. And used this recipe for weak nerves.

- Jzmor sweat Aloj SWEET FLAG
The so-called promises or promises Alaeker Aloj known in English by several names such as the root of the mouse and scholars sweet-and-pencil Almerth sweet sweet sweet root is defined as either scientifically ACORUS CALAMUS of grassy species.
Jzmor Aloj race is a perennial plant grows in wet areas of Europe and North America. Contains Aljzmor volatile oil contains this oil on the substance known as ISOASARONE and the rate of a simple but they are toxic and this article does not exist in the promises of Aloj the U.S., but are found in some other species, promises Alaeker has many uses, including poor appetite, acidity and enhance memory and stimulate the brain, especially in the age of aging and flu SAA against kidney stones and to treat hoarseness when teachers and preachers, singers and the most important thing the treatment of the nerves. And the way be taken to fill suspension of intelligent Aljzmor tea powder is added to fill the cup of boiling water and leave for ten minutes then strain and drink once in the morning after breakfast and again at bedtime. Can also be used to Aljzmor boiled water bath by taking 100 grams of powder Aljzmor and add it to about a liter of water and boiled for ten minutes and then filtered and poured into water bath. Athmm and the patient with a massage.

- Celery CELERY
Already talk about topics from previous celery in celery is one of the vegetables that are eaten with the authorities and are usually eaten fresh after washing very junior at the rate of two heads a day. And continue it for a period of not less than six months and that for the treatment of weak nerves, is also used celery for other diseases, including gout, rheumatism, sexual impotence (twice the erection of the penis) and tensile psychological as the seeds of celery are used to treat liver disease is viral and treatment of bladder and kidney disorders and congestion heart as well as to reduce the rate blood sugar as well as to reduce high blood pressure, there are about fifty English recipe used for the treatment of infections involving celery.

- OAK Oak
Already talking about the oak posts from previous and the user against the weakness of the nerves is to peel oak (OAK BARK) and oak is a plant arboreal great Muammar known scientifically as QUERCUS ALBA contains the bark or peel oak a large amount of material Aallsah Holding and the most important acid Alkwyrstanak. Peel oak used widely where it is said, used to treat diseases of the body from head to toe are used as a lotion for skin infections and wounds, eczema, and crawling and bleeding varices and eye diseases and infections of the gums and throat. Also used against acute diarrhea. And use the peel oak Khmam water for the treatment of weak nerves where taken half a kilo of powder peel oak and added to about three liters of water and boil for a quarter of an hour and then filtered then added to the water bath warm and the patient remains in the bath for half an hour while maintaining the water bath warm. The patient prefers not to get out of the house after a bath so he does not get cold. And preferably the bathroom before dinner and not after so as not to hinder the process of digestion.

Known Bcouh a large tree reaches a height of 25 meters and has a structure of twigs yellowish green or bright it has no scales and there on the trunk of the tree peel gray color. The plant flowers yellow male and female yellowish green cone and fruiting of the plant a reddish-brown. Flowering plant in the summer and fir forest is a large growing areas.
Contains the plant, especially the tops of branches, the part used on the volatile oil by between 3 to, 33 and this oil contains a quantity of camphor and this is a source of camphor oil and contains the acetate and Albornjul Alcamvin and Alvaubita Baanin and Dai Santen and two daughters. It also contains the papers to turpentine, vitamin C, fixed oil and seeds contain vitamin E used volatile oil inhalation in the treatment of sore throat either camphor is used in the treatment of schizophrenia and soothing tonic for the heart .. Camphor is used externally in cases of rheumatism arthritis. The turpentine is irritant to the skin and stimulates circulation, it is also antiseptic and expectorant and tonic very weak nerves also useful in gout and rheumatism, is also used boiled leaves and buds for the treatment of scurvy, and the way be taken three handfuls of the herb in about 3 liters of water and put on the fire to boiling Then pour the mixture into a warm water bath and mixed well and then bathe the patient for half an hour. The body should be dried well and massage by an expert in massage or the patient's movements for as long as sports Isttiaha happen to him without any stress.

- Jawash aromatic SWEET WOODRUFF
Also known as fragrance Balgaleon a perennial plant reaches a height of 45 cm, has a square stem and leaves oval high and small white flowers. Native of Europe and are also found in Asia and North Africa. Usually grows in shady forests. And parts used all parts of the plant except the roots. Contain the Jawash Aaradoadat and Kumarinat acid and tannins Antrakinont Dflavoandhat works flavonoids on blood circulation and diuretic.
Used Jawash fragrant large-scale, where were placed between clothes for Taterha. Kapog says in his book "Irish medicinal herbs", published 1735 years it's good in the pain of wounds, and if it rang, and then put them in the treatment of infections, and in Germany makes them a drink called the "what," Levin Powell and drinks to celebrate the month of May.
The Jawash aromatic tonic effects are important, diuretic and anti-inflammatory. Since it contains a good amount of coumarin and flavonoids, it is useful in the treatment of varicose veins and phlebitis, and used an anti-spasm, and is usually given to children and adults for insomnia. The most important use of it is the weakness of the nerves. They also inhabit the pain of menstruation and the way be taken to fill a teaspoon of powdered herb and placed in a fill cup boiling water and leave for 5 minutes and then drink once in the morning and another in the evening, the patient continues using this boiled until his condition improved.

- Alrattanaa RHATHNY
An evergreen plant reaches a height of 90 cm to its root and leaves a deep rectangular and large red flowers. Original home of this plant to Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia, and western slopes of the Andes.
Part of the plant roots, which contain between 10 to 20% of the acid and tannins, which include Alglupanin and Abannzoforan Alarmatal and tyrosine. And south of U.S. treatment Alrattanaa a saying used by local people as an astringent for the teeth and the antibacterial and digestive problems, and often used for diarrhea and dysentery as well as it makes them a good rinse of the mouth, bleeding of the gums Kgergerh. And can be used to stop bleeding in case of wounds and stop bleeding varicose veins. The most important uses of the treatment of neurodegenerative where taken 3 handfuls of roots crushed and placed in about three liters of water and leave it boil for an hour and then filtered and added to the water bath warm and then bathe the patient for 15 minutes dries then and rub the body well or gestures in a gym.